A little more on my configuration - I've got both a /usr/ install of
perl (5.005) and 5.6.0 installed in /usr/local/perl (for chrooting
purposes).  I also have /usr/local install of apache 1.3.12 and a
/usr/local/apache install of 1.3.14 (again, for chrooting).  The attempt
below was trying to use the perl 5.6.0 and apache 1.3.14 installs.  I have
since tried it with the 5.005 and 1.3.12 installs, using a configuration
that was successful less than a month ago, and no go.
   The configuration was 
perl Makefile.PL USE_APXS=1 WITH_APXS=/usr/local/sbin/apache EVERYTHING=1

   It gets the same error (Apache/Apache.c can't include mod_perl.h or
mod_perl_xs.h).  Those header files are in fact in
blib/arch/auto/Apache/perl/ (at the point it attempts to compile
Apache/Apache.c).  The generated Apache.c's include statements are:
#include "mod_perl.h"
#include "mod_per_xs.h"
  and those headers aren't in Apache/
  Now, the odd thing is that the last time I built it, make output this:
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/lynn/http/mod_perl-1.24/Apache'
mkdir ../blib/lib/auto/Apache
cp Apache.pm ../blib/lib/Apache.pm
   (after building the files from apaci/).  In other words, in that
instance, it didn't try to build Apache/Apache.c.  Of course, it built
Apache.c statically into libperl.so, so why would it?  But as I said, this
option doesn't appear to work now (even in the attempts where I turned off
DYNAMIC, or where I set EVERYTHING=1 (on the command line, without a
.makepl_args.mod_perl, as above).
   My first guess would be there's something screwy in my perl
configuration, but I don't think I've updated the 5.005 one since the last
successful build.
   If anyone can offer me a clue, I'd greatly appreciate it.  (Although
I'm pretty set on building it as a DSO - even if I install it in the
apache source tree statically, this is a puzzler).

PS The snippit from the successful build came from a log file of the shell
session the last time I built Apache and all the components I use.  I was 
surprised to find it - I usually don't have that kind of foresight ;-)

On Sat, 27 Jan 2001, Lynn Winebarger wrote:

>    Hi.  I'm having problems getting mod_perl (1.24<_01>) to compile.
> I'm using perl 5.6.0, apache 1.3.14, RH Linux 6.2/Intel (with upgrades).
> This is odd since I've previously built mod_perl successfully as a DSO
> (and the problem appears to be in the configure - I don't get far enough
> in the make to be worried about run-time incompatibilies with 1.3.14).
> Of course, I don't have the options used in the previous mod_perl build.

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