Hi again,

On Sat, 27 Jan 2001, Lynn Winebarger wrote:

> since tried it with the 5.005 and 1.3.12 installs, using a configuration
> that was successful less than a month ago, and no go.

Last time something like this happened I spent quite a long time
figuring out that the customer had screwed his directory structure by
adding symlinks and moving/editing files to solve a problem that
wasn't there.  In that case I got it to build by putting the files
back like they ought to be and modifying the makefile but it just
shouldn't be that much trouble.  I'm pretty sure you have (or someone
else has:) done something similar.  It doesn't take much to mess up.

I'd wipe the lot (including Perl) and start again with perl5.005_03 only.


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