Bekman, I'm sorry.

Excuse me, Stas...

On Tue, 30 Jan 2001, Martin Langhoff wrote:

> hi,
>       due to some fairly complex issues (money, or lack thereof), I am
> considering turning a mod_perl server from co-location into a 'virtual
> server' service, like Verio offers. 
>       Far from asking if it is a good solution (I know it is not) I'd like to
> know if its feasible. I have been managing remote co-located servers for
> quite a while, so I am already used to the impotence of not being able
> to kick the box when it misbehaves. In fact, last time I got really
> angry at a box I got a my fist cut, hitting it. So remote boxen might
> turn out to be healthier for my temper ;)
>       Is anyone using a 'virtual server' succesfully? Or have a horror story?
> Know of companies other than verio? 
>       Oh! and before anyone points it out, yes, it low -- low -- low traffic.
> The current server never gets more than 0.5 load average.
> Martin

Vasily Petrushin
+7 (095) 2508363

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