At 2:05 PM -0500 1/30/01, Blue Lang wrote:
>On Tue, 30 Jan 2001, Martin Langhoff wrote:
>>  There are companies (Verio at least) offering a 'virtual machine'
>>  running a virtualized OS. Verio is offering NetBSD and Solaris. They
>>  have a seriouly large iron where many virtual machines run, each virtual
>>  machine gets a share of CPU, HD and RAM resources, an at least an IP
>>  address.
>Woah.. I had never heard of this. Have you actually been on a box? I'm
>calling them to see if a demo is available.
>My guess would be that no matter how well they slice it, you're still
>sharing hardware, and if some guy is running 100 java servlets on the
>'real' box that you're sharing, you're gonna have to fight for time. It's
>only an extra $60 or so to get a 'real' machine somewhere.. It depends,
>like everything else, on your needs. offers this kind of service, too.  You get control over
your Apache, smtp, pop, etc. servers.  Other people on the machine have
their own virtual server, but no access to your own server.  (For example,
you can't install a CGI script that reads files in my document tree.)

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