Matt Sergeant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Tue, 30 Jan 2001, Robin Berjon wrote:
> > At 13:54 30/01/2001 +0000, Matt Sergeant wrote:
> > >On Tue, 30 Jan 2001, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > >>       Seriously - it should be possible to create a XSLT stylesheet that
> > will
> > >>        output plain-text, then use XML::Sablotron or one of the other
> > >processors
> > >>        to generate the text from the XML.
> > >
> > >Sadly thats not the case. XSLT is not well suited to the task of
> > >outputting text documents. It has no facilities for doing things like page
> > >widths, indenting, bullet points, etc, for plain text. I have tried this,
> > >with the source of the digests being in XHTML, but its harder than it
> > >first sounds. You really need to convert to a text format that does have
> > >all of these features, such as *roff...
> >
> > That's true, when XSLT outputs texts, what it's really doing is outputting
> > a tree from which all non text nodes have disappeared. That can't give you
> > much formatting unless you are very careful with your <xsl:text>. But then,
> > filtering that through Text::Autoformat should yield something sensible,
> > and probably good.
> Unfortunately my version of autoformat (just installed fresh from CPAN)
> doesn't seem to do a thing with the output I can produce (which is fairly
> close, but damned ugly in places, so I don't know what I'm doing wrong
> with it. I was just using: xpathscript style.xps <filename.xml> | perl
> -MText::Autoformat -e autoformat (the docs say this should work, but it
> doesn't reformat anything).

That should just reformat the first paragraph it sees. Try 

   ... | perl -MText::Autoformat -e 'autoformat *STDIN, {all => 1}'


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