
MS>Mailing a link is easy, converting to a format that looks almost exactly
MS>like the current version Geoff sends out is a bit harder (yes, I can
MS>spawn lynx, which gets most of the way there, but its all coding that
MS>has to be done).

I think the point is emphatically NOT that it has to look *exactly* the
same as it does not, but that it should definitely be sent to the list as
it is now, as readable text rather than a link. I mean, this IS a *mailing
list digest* we're talking about, isn't it?

Since I skip some messages with less interesting subject lines, I love
getting the mod_perl digest in my INBOX to fill me in on things I may have
missed and I'm sure many people feel the same way.

FWIW, I'd be glad to write the HTML->text script and send it out to the
list, myself, if the digest switches to e-mail-the-link; I could even
write a procmail recipe so it happens automatically.

MS>I mean, we're all web developers right? If you don't have a browser
MS>running the majority of your day then something is seriously up (or
MS>you're out of work :-). And we want the digest more widely viewed than
MS>just this list - not everyone interested in mod_perl development
MS>subscribes here, and take23 is the right forum to host the digest

It's just a matter of, sometimes you check your e-mail over a slow link or
whatever, and it's nice to just be able to skim it right then and there
instead of inserting it into your mental queue to check it later.

I agree strongly that digests should be mirrored on take23. Have we
thought about just taking the current digest e-mail and putting it there?
I'm sure as mod_perl developers nobody would find the lack of pretty HTML
horribly disconcerting.

MS>If someone wants to do the work it takes to make Geoff's life easy for
MS>generating the digest in both HTML and plain text then please volunteer
MS>(and please don't volunteer unless you really mean it - we get lots of
MS>volunteers for take23 work that barely ever turn out to be people who
MS>can afford the time).

If it means that we'll lose the e-mailed digest, I'll put in whatever
effort is necessary for this.

MS>But it has to be as easy as uploading one version, and the take23 CMS
MS>automatically sending out an email to the list. Anything else isn't
MS>worth it.

I think you're being unfair here; it's impossible for it to be exactly as
easy given that the task has gone from (send plaintext to list) to
(upload XML to take23, convert to HTML, convert to text, send to list).
You just mean it isn't worth it to *you*, the maintainer of take23. :)



Andrew Ho               http://www.tellme.com/       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Engineer                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]          Voice 650-930-9062
Tellme Networks, Inc.       1-800-555-TELL            Fax 650-930-9101

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