That was my conclusion as well... PerlSetVar is the same data structure (as
far as mod_perl is concerned), so it makes sense to use the same syntax.
However, now I'm getting this:

<Perl>: PerlSetVar takes two arguments, Perl config var and value. 

If you have ideas, feel free, but I'm not going to wait. ;)

] David <- busily pecking away

> should look more like this:
>     PerlSetVar => [
>         [ Auth_DBI_data_source => 'dbi:Pg:dbname=reckdb' ],
>         [ Auth_DBI_username => 'dvicci' ],
>         [ Auth_DBI_pwd_table => 'user_profile' ],
>         [ Auth_DBI_uid_field => 'user_username' ],
>         [ Auth_DBI_pwd_field  => 'user_password' ],
>         [ Auth_DBI_pwd_whereclause => '"user_usertype>0"' ],
>         [ Auth_DBI_encrypted => 'off' ],
>     ],
> That's the format I use when using PerlSetVar.

Thanks for the quick response, btw. :)

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