Thanks for the reply, I have used the IP address of my machine (single IP
address) to be Allowed and it works.
But I don't know how to allow a group of users to access web server?
especially if there is no place to specify
the network mask.

>> Hi,
>> I build Apache_1.3.14 with mod_perl-1.25 on RedHat Linux 7.0 with DSO.
>> Initially both server-status and server-info works fine, but some how
>> of these pages denied my display request.(403 Forbidden )
>> I have checked httpd.conf where I have
>> <Location /server-status>
>> SetHandler server-status
>> Order deny,allow
>> Deny from all
>> Allow from .mydomain.com
>> </Locatiom>
>> In the log file it simply says denied by server.

>Are you sure that .mydomain.com is getting resolved correctly? Try using

As far as I can see DNS is working fine, nslookup can resolve the machine

>Also one should avoid using domain names on production server. It's a
>performance hit since it turns HostnameLookups on.

Thanks for the comments.


Stas Bekman              JAm_pH     --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker
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