On Fri, 16 Mar 2001, Paul wrote:

> not really answering your questions, but....
> Ragarding moving the "our()" statement out of the function --
> --- Steve Hay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > (b) because I can't actually do what I just did above in my mod_perl
> > script!
> Couldn't you, if you put the func's into a module and our()'d it there,
> then use()'d it from your script?
> I realize that sort of redesign might not be convenient, but wouldn't
> it work?

That's exactly what I was going to anwer.

The example in the guide *demonstrates* the problem and possible
workarounds for it. But it states that the best approach is to have your
registry script with a single call to some method in another module, which
solves all the problems.

Of course you can go for workarounds, but those will haunt you until you
will give up and redesign (move the code out of the script). If you need a
quick solution with no redesign, you have it in the guide.

our() and other perl5.6 new APIs are too early to be endorsed, as 5.6 is
not yet considered as a stable version for mod_perl production sites,
therefore the guide barely touches on it.

Stas Bekman              JAm_pH     --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker
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