At 18:20 29/03/2001 +0800, Stas Bekman wrote:
>On Thu, 29 Mar 2001, Robin Berjon wrote:
>> Ah yes, hadn't spotted that one, thanks Stas (once again...).
>That's the benefit you get when you review someone's book. You get the
>book's source text :) So I just use grep... after reading the book harcopy
>once it's much more useful to have the source for an easy search and
>copy-n-paste re-use...

Indeed, I've often wished O'Reilly would provide book sources for people
that have bought the treebook. Manning has something like that, you can buy
the ebook cheaper than the actual book, and then if you decide to buy the
treebook it's that much cheaper.

/me goes off to read a certain book which he'd promised to review but
hasn't quite finished...

>> I thought about it as a kind of CleanupHandler that doesn't affect the
>> time it takes for a child to be available for service again (for non
>> per-request cleanups obviously) but I couldn't think of what could
>> usefully be done there.
>Are you writing yet another mod_perl book or something?

Yes, I stole the content from the as yet unpublished Tk and mod_perl books
that I got to review and I'm writing "Applications mod_perl-Tk: le probleme
du monadisme heuristique chez Leibniz, Quine, et Bekman" for the Sorbonne
University Press.

No, in truth I am simply revamping the mod_perl framework we use here to
make it more consistent and logical. I'm trying to put some pieces into the
right phases to avoid some dirty hacks I have to do now. 

Has anyone actually written a PerlRestartHandler ?

-- robin b.
Critic, n.: A person who boasts himself hard to please because nobody tries
to please him.

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