Robert Landrum wrote:
> At 2:06 PM +0000 4/2/01, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> >Any ideas?  I cant, for the life of me, figure out how this would work with
> >http redirects, and thought there might be something with mod_perl that would
> >help this.  Fork() maybe.  I'm trying a few ideas.
> It's probably out of date, but the CGI::Push module does exactly what you want.
> The doc isn't real clear, but I've used this once to do exactly what
> you're doing.  Unfortunatly, I can no longer find the code I wrote...
> Basically, CGI::Push sends a multipart mime message to the browser.
> The first part of that is an HTML document, which the browser renders
> immediatly.  The second part is the confirmation HTML, which the
> browser also renders in place of the original document.

Does this work with non-Netscape browsers, such as IE? I was going to
suggest this multipart MIME trick, but I thought I read in the
book that server push only worked with Netscape browsers.



Wim Kerkhoff

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