* Tommy Davis ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [010502 04:11]:
> We use a server-setup with a mod_perl enabled backend server. The server 
> only runs mod_perl and mySQL for about 5 virtual hosts.
> ...
> Another problem is that the solutions uses diffferent databases. That 
> means we end up with 5 ttimes as many open db handles as we have 
> mod_perl processes.
> We have worked around this by merging all databases into a single one, 
> prefixing the table_names with the former db-names and using a simple 
> abstraction layer to access the database.

I'm not sure how you create your database handles (in a central
location then passed around, or in each handler as you need it), but
in MySQL (as with other databases) you can execute a 'use <dbname>' to
start using a different database.

So your definition can be the same for all virtual hosts but you can
define a variable via PerlSetVar or in a configuration file that has
the database name. When you ask for a database handle you can then
create it using a common database name (e.g, 'mysql') and then
execute the 'use <dbname>' statement:

package MyServer::DB;

use strict;
use DBI;

my $DB_USER = 'xxxx';
my $DB_PASS = 'yyyy';

sub connect {
    my ( $class, $dbname ) = @_;
    my $dbh = DBI->connect( 'DBI:mysql:mysql', $DB_USER, $DB_PASS,
                            { RaiseError => 1 } )
                   || die "$DBI::errstr\n";
    $dbh->do( "use $dbname" ) if ( $dbname );
    return $dbh;

We do something like this in OpenInteract and, for MySQL at least, it
works fine.


Chris Winters ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Building enterprise-capable snack solutions since 1988.

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