My Lords, Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am delighted to announce that this problem is now SOLVED.  That is, I can
now access my MySQL database from a Perl script running under mod_perl.

I won't detail the whole sorry affair again, but the rogue line read:

$dsn = "DBI:$driver:database=shapeshifter;host=localhost";

I must offer special thanks to Guido Moonen [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] who
suggested "In the error log is a error code 10061 (Which stands for
connection refused) this means that the application cannot even open a
connection to the mysql server.  Maybe you should also provide the DSN with
a port number.  Or try to use instead of localhost."  I did try
changing "localhost" to (and also tried the actual IP address of
the computer).  This generated a whole new set of error messages that
finally showed me the light.

Two things were wrong:

1)  I was using "localhost" when I should have been using an IP address

2)  (you're not going to believe this)  My firewall was dropping all
requests between mod_perl (running on my machine) and the MySQL server (on
my LAN) - yet it was allowing the same request using CGI rather than
mod_perl, we're still trying to figure out why

I adjusted both and got the output I have spent 36 hours seeking.

I would like to thank every single person who took the time to offer their
invaluable advice and help.  I would also like to apologise for the huge
volume of traffic this problem generated within the list.  I'm sorry.

Thanks again Guido.

Kindest regards,
Jonathan M. Hollin

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