Ken Williams wrote:

> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jonathan M. Hollin) wrote:
> >:: Okay, last idea: you say you can connect to mysql from the command line,
> >:: from regular CGI, and from PHP.  I'm guessing that in all of those
> >:: situations, you're acting as the same user (win2k user, not mysql user).
> >:: However, under mod_perl you'll be acting as whatever user your web
> >:: server runs as.  That's probably the only real difference between
> >:: mod_perl and the other situations.
> >::
> >:: So if you can become that user and try connecting to the database,
> >:: perhaps you can get more insight into the problem.
> >
> >I would like to try that (anything to get this working).  Er...  how do I do
> >that?
> Under win2k, I have no idea.  Under unix, you'd use "su" or a similar
> identity-switching mechanism.  You'll probably have to find a win2k
> person to help with that.
> Let me also gently suggest that you should take this off-list, as there
> have been a lot of messages on your topic already.

But please post your resolution as it may be useful to someone else down the

>   -------------------                            -------------------
>   Ken Williams                             Last Bastion of Euclidity
>   [EMAIL PROTECTED]                            The Math Forum

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