Related to the previous discussion of closures vs object interface (eg 
param) for getting CGI form data into the widgets:

While I think that it is clever to allow an interface to change where the 
parameters come from, I think in practice there are different things to 
expect. eg how to deal with multi-values? How to deal with file upload 
field? I think there are quirks in various libraries.

I do not think these things are insurmountable. And Chip's suggestion 
stands a good chance of working. I do also think there are so few libraries 
to deal with parameters that it would not be an unreasonable design 
decision to make the Widget controller hard code knowledge of, 
Apache::Request and any others since there really aren't many.

At least at first cut. If it looks like there are too many data sources of 
widget data to deal with then it has to be dealt with.

I would also offer the possibility that the data source for a widget should 
not solely be a object but could conceivably come from many types of 
data sources and that these data sources might have priorities yet all 
apply to the same widget controller. Let's take a lesson (not necessarily 
one to be followed) from PHP. In PHP, variables come into existence 
automatically. But there are rules that are followed.

eg Cookies, Get,. Post which means that if the variable is somehow 
resulting from a cookie instantiate the var as a the value of the cookie. 
If there is a GET param of the same name, override the var with the value 
of the Get param, and if there is a POST as well, then override the value 
from $ENV{QUERY_STRING} with the value from the POST.

Likewise, we might consider that is the primary source of 
information, but if I pass a db record set to the widget controller along 
with, I may want to override the database but if there is no value, then the value from the database field will be placed in the 
widget instead.

Anyway, I am sorry if this sounds quite odd. I am not good at explaining 
things when I am tired, but I did at least want to throw out the idea of 
not being married yet to a particular way of having a widget consume data 
from a data source.

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