
Yeh - that idea has merit. We don't always see that concepts map 1:1 between
languages but probably 99% of the time it should be ok. Of course it is the
1% case that drives most people totally nuts.

What might be of interest is a data type that is smart enough to hunt down
its text tag from a text resource dictionary or use a string that is local
just to that widget....

I am hesitant to advocate the use dictionaries because I do find them a bit
confusing and unwieldly to think about managing in the context of a big web
site. *


* I don't know about you guys - but when I am building stuff - I am also
keeping in mind that humons [sic] will be doing much of the tweeking and
managing of the site. Keeping systems simple is a big objective too!

> Something I've seen elsewhere is to have a master table of strings that
> widgets can then reference.
> Different ways of doing this:
>    index strings by number (MicroSoft resources in executables);
>    index strings by the string in a particular language (TWIG with English
> the indexing language).
> This allows for sharing of strings across widgets and memory savings,
always a
> good thing in mod_perl.  It also doesn't slow the system down much if any
> compared to storing the strings in each widget with duplication.
> --
> James Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 979-862-3725
> Texas A&M CIS Operating Systems Group, Unix

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