At 10:04 AM 5/29/2001 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>On Tue, 29 May 2001, Stephen Adkins wrote:
>> Right. I have many more requirements I eventually want to support
>> (such as internationalization).  The trick is making the design such
>> that it works in the simple case for simple things, while supporting
>> advanced features for those who wish to use them.  I think it is coming
>> together pretty well.
>I hope you didn't mean to say eventually! ;-) Me - I need I18L'n right off
the top. If my widgets aren't multilingual then I'll have to go elsewhere.
75% of my apps are bi and trilingual.
>I think we should bite the bullet and start talkin Unicode and ISO-639
language codes right at the beginning.

OK. The priority of internationalization has been increased.
Here is the first snapshot of code.

Soon I will have the Sourceforge site up and we can stop clogging up this 
mailing list.


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