On Tue, 29 May 2001, Stephen Adkins wrote:

> I completely understand what all three of you are saying, and I think the
> needs of the Gunther and Jay are being accommodated in the new design.
> However, a note on XML and Storable ...
> The XML::Simple class allows you a "cache" option (which I am using)
> where it caches the perl data structure in a Storable.
> The XML::Simple class reads the XML file into a perl data structure,
> then stores it as a Storable.  On subsequent reads, it checks the
> timestamps of the .xml file and the .stor file and only rereads the
> XML file if it is newer than the .stor file.  Otherwise, it just
> reads the .stor file.  This appears to be about 3x faster.

Not really worth it... XML::LibXML is about 10 times faster anyway.
Although the syntax to access bits of the XML is XPath, rather than a perl
hash, but you get used to that pretty quickly.


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