OK, I think I have solved this problem, but I would like to run my solution by
you folks, and see if it makes any sense. What we found, on a more thorough
code review, was that a number of the handlers were doing a redirect by calling
send_cgi_header, and then exit()'ing. It seemed to us that the exit would kill
the Perl interp, and the Apache child would then just keep serving whatever it
had in its buffer at the time. Does that make any sense? If so, will die() have
the same results? I started grepping for exit everywhere, and removed it, but
along the way I saw a number of places that we're calling die.

I expect that this is just a really stupid newbie problem - I've only been
doing mod_perl stuff for about 6 months or so. And, in fact, once it occurred
to me that this might be the problem, of course I found it in the FAQ.

Rich Bowen - Author - Apache Server Unleashed

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