> It depends on what you are trying to accomplish, of course, but
> for most purposes, yeah, splitting r->uri on '/' will give a
> useful list of directories. If you are using these as actual
> filenames, and ignoring r->filaname, however, beware of requests
> like:
>   http://foo.bar.baz/my_hander/../../../../../../../etc/passwd
> which might be trying to get you to send your /etc/passwd. If you
> are using the URI to dispatch the request to a particular Perl
> module, take a look at Apache::Dispatch.

Hmm, i think i souldn't worry about any of these problems, because i use 
this for Template-Toolkit and these splitted directories will be only 
parameters for one template file. So no matter what request is, always 
is read only one file (index.ttml in this case). But hey, thanks for the 
hints :)


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