Hi folks,

Thanks to those who helped me out with the basic mod_perl questions I posted
before.  We're getting there!

I have a question about mod_perl installation - I have Apache 1.3.9 running
on a Solaris 8 machine with mod_perl 1.21.
I was going to upgrade it to 1.25, but I don't have the Apache src.  Is it
possible to do the upgrade?
Someone told me I just need to replace the libexec/libperl.so file (I have
1.25 built on another solaris system, where
I DO have the apache src....), but it looks like other files installed as
part of the mod_perl install (.pm files) are 
different sizes.

I'm working with DBI 1.16, Apache::DBI 0.88, DBD::Oracle 1.06   - would it
make that much of a difference to have
the newer version using these modules?

Thanks for any info!


Laurie Knox
(732) 420-6190

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