On Fri, 27 Jul 2001, Murugan K wrote:

> Hai
>    I  am not using Visual VC++ IDE for compiling. I am using  command
> line only.
> After building  , i am not getting  src/modules/win32/Release/  realease
> directory at all.
> I tried with previos version od mod_perl also.  Same result.

There must have been some error messages at the 'nmake' stage that
indicated why 'msdev' didn't create mod_perl.so in this
directory. Can you tell from the output of 'nmake' what
failed? Also, can you build other modules that use a C
compiler, like DBI, successfully? Did you run 'vcvars32.bat'
(which sets up needed environment variables) before building?

best regards,

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