On Wed, 1 Aug 2001, Philip Mak wrote:

PM> What would you consider to be a real DBMS? Sybase and Oracle obviously,
PM> but I actually am the hypothetical programmer with a 233MHz machine with
PM> 64 MB RAM (hey, it runs emacs fine :/) on a shoestring budget who is
PM> mostly limited to using freeware tools.
PM> What about PostgreSQL and Interbase? Do those have the features of a
PM> 'real' DBMS?

PostgreSQL is a real DBMS. I am involved in a non-profit project where we
run PostgresSQL (and Linux, Apache, ...) on a P200 with 128 megabyte RAM.
Works great. It also worked great when we had a i486 and 32 megabyte RAM.

I have never worked with InterBase so someone else might have to answer if
it complies with ACID.

Regards, Henrik

Henrik Edlund <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"You're young, you're drunk, you're in bed, you have knives; shit
happens." -- Angelina Jolie

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