
I realise this is covered in part in the modperl guide, but I'd to ask
for a bit of clarification/confirmation ...

I have pages generated with embperl, with each page having it's own
module to pull data from the database and pass it back to page in a
hash, the first line of the embperl page being the call to the module
(a pipeline/callback hybrid, if you like).  This module in turn
creates the appropriate database object.

As the database routines may create table locks, and as I'm using
Apache::DBI, the DB object constructor registers a cleanup handler
that will unlock the tables if an abort has occured

My feeling that this cleanup is infact unnecessary (all though worth
having regardless), as the pipeline nature of the request (call
database for *all* data required, *then* output), any database calls
(and corresponding locks) will have completed before the abort
(SIGPIPE) is recognised.  This should go double for embperl, which
executes all perl code before outputting any headers and data.

So I'd like to ask the group, am I right in this analysis, or am I
missing anything here?


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