On Thu, 16 Aug 2001, Jonathan Edwards wrote:

> Related to this topic, I have a question about multiple
> instances of Apache. We run two mod_perl enabled sites on two
> separate IPs. These sites rely on mod_perl heavily. Each site
> has a unique perl script that handles just about everything.
> Currently, we only have one instance of Apache running, and I've
> noticed that the httpd child processes are quite large (up to
> 32megs!). We've upgraded the RAM on our server twice and now
> we're at 512, but it seems to be using all of that without a
> problem. Are these httpd processes so large because they include
> copies of both perl scripts? Would it be more efficient to set
> up two instances of Apache, one for each site/IP, and that way
> each child httpd would only contain one of the two perl scripts?

That might help some, but it all depends[tm].

What you really want is to setup a (reverse) proxy process in front
of the mod_perl process. Try looking through my slides at

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