On Tue, Oct 02, 2001 at 10:46:45PM -0700, Derek Balling wrote:
> >Run your httpd in -X mode without the help of the apachectl start
> >script.  You can get that under gdb. -X mode runs in single
> >process mode, and is most handy for diagnosing problems such
> >as these.
> I guess I'm dense:
> # ../bin/httpd -X -f conf/httpd.conf.mod_perl
> Segmentation fault
> how is this more helpful? ;)

Joshua meant for you to run it in gdb with that option, but it might not
be very helpfull if you didn't compile with CFLAGS=-g
But you can try it anyay:

gdb ../bin/httpd

(gdb) run -X
<likely to give a segmentation fault>
(gdb) bt

and send the information it gives here.

Another option would be to:

to use strace|truss|whatever your system uses to trace system call

strace ../bin/httpd -X

Which might give you a lot of information which will very likely be
to much to post here.

> Pretend like I'm NOT some C-code guru, and explain to me what I need 
> to do, because it doesn't seem like doing what the docs say is 
> helping. *chuckle*

Isn't there anything about debugging in the documentation?

  Thomas Eibner <http://thomas.eibner.dk/> DnsZone <http://dnszone.org/>
  mod_pointer <http://stderr.net/mod_pointer> 

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