Derek Balling wrote:
> >
> >Run your httpd in -X mode without the help of the apachectl start
> >script.  You can get that under gdb. -X mode runs in single
> >process mode, and is most handy for diagnosing problems such
> >as these.
> I guess I'm dense:
> # ../bin/httpd -X -f conf/httpd.conf.mod_perl
> Segmentation fault
> how is this more helpful? ;)
> Pretend like I'm NOT some C-code guru, and explain to me what I need
> to do, because it doesn't seem like doing what the docs say is
> helping. *chuckle*

unix prompt> gdb ../bin/httpd
... gdb header stuff ...
(gdb) run -X -f conf/httpd.conf.mod_perl
(gdb) bt

This *MIGHT* give the real gurus on the list something
to work with.  Its how I have debugged many a segfault
in my day.  This or something like it.  You can also
load up a core dump with gdb, but I can't remember
the last time I did that, so I have no real directions
here, but its probably just 

prompt> gdb core
(gdb) bt
[ find out where it segfaulted ]

Joshua Chamas                           Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks Founder                       Huntington Beach, CA  USA                1-714-625-4051

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