> By the way, I noticed he documented still another gotcha due to a sneaky
> closure.  Does anyone know off-hand whether the Perl 6 folks plan to
> change the closure syntax so they don't sneak into your code this way?
Closures, references, et al are being thoroughly revised, such that there
will be far fewer gotchas. However, these kinds of memory leaks will be less
of an issue anyway because Perl 6 will be garbage collected. Also, proper
exception handling will be built into the language.

PS: I haven't seen many of the regulars here on the Perl 6 lists. There's
both language design and internals streams currently happening, so
everyone's interests and skills should be catered for. Please have a look at
http://dev.perl.org and consider getting involved. It's interesting work and
there's a similarly positive and intellectual spirit on the P6 lists to what
we experience here.

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