Joe Schaefer writes:
> > experience, the only way to build large scale systems is with
> > stateless, single-threaded servers.
>   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> Could you say some more about what you mean by this?  Do you mean
> something like
>   "use a functional language (like Haskell or Scheme), rather
>    than an imperative language (like C, Java, Perl ...)",

Not exactly, but this is an interesting topic.

> or are you talking more about the application's platform and design
> (e.g. )?

This article addresses path length, which is the "single-threaded"
part.  Scalability is not addressed.  Both parts are important to
understand when you build enterprise systems.

I changed the subject to Neo-Classical Transaction Processing which is
the way I look at web applications.  If you'll bear with me, I can
explain the Neo and Classical parts with a picture.  Here's a
classical transaction processing system:

    T                                                          ______
    e      +----------------+      +--------------+           /      \
    r -----|                |------|              |-----------\______/
    m      |  Transaction   |      |  +--------------+        |      |
    i -----|    Monitor     |---------|              |--------|      |
    n      |                |      |  |  +--------------+     |  DB  |
    a -----|                |------------|              |-----|      |
    l      |                |      |  |  |   Custom     |     |      |
    s      +----------------+      +--|  |   Servers    |     |      |
                                      |  |              |     |      |
                                      +--|              |     |      |
                                         |              |     \______/

Now here's a a typical (large) Apache/mod_perl setup (Neo-Classical):

    B      +----------------+      +--------------+           /      \
    r -----|                |------|              |-----------\______/
    o      |    Apache      |      |  +--------------+        |      |
    w -----|   mod_proxy    |---------|              |--------|      |
    s      |                |      |  |  +--------------+     |  DB  |
    e -----|                |------------|              |-----|      |
    r      |                |      |  |  |   Apache     |     |      |
    s      +----------------+      +--|  |   mod_perl   |     |      |
                                      |  |              |     |      |
                                      +--|              |     |      |
                                         |              |     \______/

The browsers are connected to a fast IP router(s), equivalent to
yesteryears I/O processor.  The mod_proxy servers are simple switches,
just like the TM.  (Unlike the TM, front-ends don't manage the
transactions.)  It's usually a given that the front-ends are
stateless.  Their job is dynamically routing for load-balancing and
reliability.  They also serve icons and other stateless files.  If a
front-end crashes, the IP router ignores it and goes to another
front-end.  No harm done.  The IP router also balances the load,
something that isn't provided by classical I/O processors.

The mod_perl servers are the work horses, just like the custom
servers.  In a classical OLTP system, the customer servers are
stateless, that is, if a server goes down, the TM/mod_proxy server
routes around it.  (The TM rollsback any transactions and restarts the
entire request, which is interesting but irrelevant for this
discussion.)  If the work servers are fully loaded, you simply add
more hardware.  If all the servers are stateless, the system scales
linearly, i.e. the number of servers is directly proportional to the
number of users that can be served.

That's the stateless part.  Threading is the other issue.  Should the
servers (mod_proxy or mod_perl) be threaded.  In classical OLTPs, the
work servers are single threaded (as in one request at a time) and the
TM handles multiple simultaneous requests, but isn't "multi-threaded"
(in the Java sense).

The work server can be thought of as a resource unit.  Usually it
represents a fair bit of code and takes up a chunk of memory.  It can
only process so many requests per unit time.  If the work server is
multi-threaded, it is harder to manage resources and configure for
peak load.  In the single threaded model, each work server (process)
is a reservation for the resources it needs for one request.  In a
multi-threaded model, the resource reservations are less clear.  It
might have a shared database connection pool or it might have two
simultaneous requests which need more memory.  The meaning of capacity
becomes fuzzy.  If the whole multi-threaded server ever has to wait on
a single shared resource (e.g. the garbage collector), all
simultaneous requests in progress lose.  This doesn't happen if the
work servers are single threaded, i.e. "shared nothing".  You can
easily model the resources required to process a request and no
request has to wait on another, except to get CPU.

The front-end servers are different.  They do no work.  Their job is
switching requests/responses.  Some of the requests are going directly
to the OS (e.g. get an icon) and others are going to the work servers.
The front-end servers "wait" most of the time.  Here I buy into the
the asynchronous I/O model of serving multiple requests and not the
lightweight process model.

The asynch I/O model (variantions of which are discussed in the c10k
paper) is a way to achieve asynchrony much more efficiently than
threads.  Instead of reserving a stack and some OS space for each
client, you reserve a block of memory in a single-threaded process.
The OS is not involved.  The main loop evaluates which I/O ports are
ready and processes them serially.  With preemptable threads, as in
Java, the processor is used inefficiently, because there's an
unnecessary and unpredictable process switching cost.  The asynch I/O
model does not incur this overhead, which can be significant wrt to
the cost of processing each I/O.

Preemptable threading is an "easy" solution to the asynchrony problem,
but it is resource intensive.  What's scary about modern distributed
application servers is that they hide the asynchrony problem.  This
works fine until system must scale to hundreds and thousands of users.
It becomes very hard to determine how the server will behave at and
above peak load.


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