
PM>I'm using ApacheBench to perform stress testing on my mod_perl server.
PM>It's not always working, though. Observe the following two runs: (first
PM>is Broken pipe; second has some failed requests)

Try writing a Perl (or other language) client that hits the URL you test
over and over again to inspect what is actually returned to the client at
any given time. For example, just use LWP::Simple to GET that URL over and
over again, and save the result (for example) in a hash and report all the
different variations you get. Perhaps your script fails sporadically, not
core dumping, but returning no headers or similarly confusing a regular
HTTP client.



Andrew Ho               http://www.tellme.com/       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Engineer                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]          Voice 650-930-9062
Tellme Networks, Inc.       1-800-555-TELL            Fax 650-930-9101

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