> Ged Haywood wrote:

> There was one odd browser that didn't seem to deal with gzip encoding
> for type text/html, it was an IE not sure 4.x or 5.x, and when set
> with a proxy but not really using a proxy, it would render garbage
> to the screen.  This was well over a year ago at this point when this
> was seen by QA.  The compression technique was the same used as
> Apache::Compress, where all of the data is compressed at once.
> Apparently, if one tries to compress in chunks instead, that will
> also result in problems with IE browsers.

We've been testing with Opera, Konqueror, NS 4.7 and 6 and IE 5, 5.5 and 6,
AOL and Lynx and haven't had any probs. (haven't tested IE below version 5
though *gulp*) The only real problem was NS 4.7 which freaked out when you
compressed the style sheet and the HTML (it wouldn't load the style sheet) so
we're just compressing text/html.

> Note that it wasn't I that gave up on compression for the project,
> but a lack of management understanding the value of squeezing 40K
> of HTML down to 5K !!  I would compress text/html output to
> netscape browsers fearlessly, and approach IE browsers more
> carefully.

I differ in that NS instils fear and IE seems to cause less migranes. Agree on
your point about management ignorance though. Isn't bandwidth e-commerce's
biggest expense?

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