
I hate to keep banging this old drum, but since I was able to reproduce this problem 
(but not solve it), I figured I'd recycle it again.  Perrin said earlier that this was 
fixed in 1.26, but I am indeed using 1.26 and the problem persists.  Stas suggested 
upgrading perl to 5.6.1 -- I did so, recompiled mod_perl, and the problem persists.  I 
didn't try upgrading the perl on my darwin box, but the fact that I get the same 
result there is telling.

Can anyone tell me what the fix was from 1.25 to 1.26?  Maybe there's a clue there.


>I'm still having this problem, and I've discovered that it is also happening on my 
>darwin box.  This is enough to lead me to believe the problem is bona fide.
>To recap: problem occurs on :
>       Darwin (MacOS X) Perl 5.6.0 / Apache 1.3.20 / mod_perl 1.26
>       Red-Hat Linux (7.1) Perl 5.6.0 / Apache 1.3.20 / mod_perl 1.26
>       Red-Hat Linux (7.1) Perl 5.6.1 / Apache 1.3.20 / mod_perl 1.26
>Problem : PerlModule does not cause %INC to be updated, but 'use' does
>Symptoms : Apache::StatINC does not work for said modules.  Said modules do not 
>appear in Apache::Status "loaded modules" page, but do appear in the Inheritance tree.
>>Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2001 12:57:27 -0800
>>To: Stas Bekman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>From: David Pisoni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: Re: PerlModule not updating %INC
>>At 1.13 +0800 10/17/2001, Stas Bekman wrote:
>>>David Pisoni wrote:
>>>>>At 18.23 -0400 10/11/2001, Perrin Harkins wrote:
>>>>>>>At 18.07 -0400 10/11/2001, Perrin Harkins wrote:
>>>>>>>>>We are using perl 5.6.0 for Apache 1.3/20, with mod_perl 1.26.
>>>>>>>>Are you sure?  There was a problem with %INC and PerlModule, but I
>>>>>>>>it was fixed in 1.26.
>>>>>>>>- Perrin
>>>>>>>Indeed, like I said, I tested it by dumping %INC myself -- the modules are
>>>>>>indeed missing when loaded with PerlModule.
>>>>>>No, I meant are you sure you're running 1.26?  Please doublecheck it, since
>>>>>>this sounds so much like the bug from the previous release.
>>>>>>- Perrin
>>>>>Indeed, here's the signature from Apache::Status :
>>>>>   Embedded Perl version v5.6.0 for Apache/1.3.20 (Unix) (Red-Hat/Linux) 
>>>>>Apache.pm shows v1.27 (that's a little weird, but I assume unimportant.)
>>>>So... any ideas on this one?
>>>have you tried 5.6.1? 5.6.0 is very buggy.
>>Just tried it.  Fresh build of 5.6.1, and mod_perl 1.26 against it.  The problem 
>persists -- %INC is incomplete vs. my actual loaded modules, missing what was loaded 
>with PerlModule directives.
>>What should I try next. :-)

Original Message :

>We are using perl 5.6.0 for Apache 1.3/20, with mod_perl 1.26.  We are running these 
>on a RedHat Linux 7.1, kernel v2.4.2 system.
>We have been doing development using mod_perl, but finding that Apache::StatINC was 
>not working as expected (i.e., we needed to restart the web server in order to see 
>our module changes in effect.)  Our apache config files preload all necessary modules 
>at start time using the 'PerlModule' directive.  When I started peeking through 
>Apache::Status I found that although all of our loaded modules appear in the 
>"Inheritance Tree" and the "ISA Tree", most of them did not appear in the "Loaded 
>Modules" section.  (I also did a test handler with a dump of the contents of %INC, 
>and said modules were missing.)  The only modules of ours which DID appear were those 
>which were ALSO called for with 'use' calls by other modules.
>Out of curiosity, I took our configuration file and changed all the 'PerlModule' 
>directives to 'use' calls (inside a <Perl> block), and lo and behold, they all 
>appeared in %INC.
>I could not find any documentation suggesting that the PerlModule directive would 
>successfully load a module while circumventing %INC, nor do I recall in my previous 
>projects developed using mod_perl having this problem.  (Although I've been away 
>awhile -- maybe I forget.)
>Any guidance?

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