On Wed, 21 Nov 2001, Medi Montaseri wrote:

> Hi....I know this is not the lawyers hang-out, but it is seasoned
> contractor's hangout and as such I need some legal advice...May I?
> I did some work (about $25000 worth) for a customer and I'm having
> problem collecting.
> One big problem is that I don't have a formal signed hardcopy contract
> binding my customer to the work and cost. I however do have verbal,
> email communications, FTP logs, Web Access logs, hardcopy business
> projections, Witnesses and such showing that I'm not making this up.
> After months of promissing sweet equity, partnership, this and that,
> finally customer has asked me to invoice them and charge interest for the
> unpaid balance. At the same time customer is using the application
> I wrote for them. I however have a feeling that they are simply buying
> time and differing the problem. And they might even file chapter 11 as
> their marketing projection was not so correct. But I did my part.
> What can I do?
> Should I see a lawyer, and put out yet some more money towards something
> that could never materialize?

Well I'm from the UK, but I imagine most things apply.

Firstly, I think you have enough to confirm a contract, assuming you have
something stating that a contract will be forthcoming. However laws on
this can vary greatly.

Step one: Invoice. Now. If you haven't invoiced and you're arguing they
haven't paid up yet, you have no leg to stand on.

Step two: talk to these people! That's the most important thing to do.
Maybe they weighlayed your invoice. Or don't have the money just yet but
expect it soon.

Step three: Once you've given them 90 days after date of invoice, get a
solicitor (not a barrister) to draft a threatening letter. It'll cost you
about $100. I'm afraid you'll have to give them another 30 days at this

Step four: Get a lawyer. Sue. $25,000 is not to be sniffed at.


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