On Wed, 21 Nov 2001, Matt Sergeant wrote:

> Maybe they weighlayed your invoice. Or don't have the money just yet but

You folks may have invented the language but its still spelled waylayed!

> Step three: Once you've given them 90 days after date of invoice, get a
> solicitor (not a barrister) to draft a threatening letter. It'll cost you
> about $100. I'm afraid you'll have to give them another 30 days at this
> point.

We just have lawyers.  There's no distinction between solicitors and

Actually, I'd start by seeing a lawyer since you want this as expedited as
possible.  A lawyer might tell you that you only have to wait 30 days
after the invoice (or something like that).  You never know.  It won't
cost all that much to simply make an appointment and talk to a lawyer for
an hour or so (probably $100-200) and it'll be probably be worth it to
talk to something with contract law experience in your state.


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