On Fri, 23 Nov 2001, Stas Bekman wrote:

> Don't modify the guide, just throw some random and structured winXX
> notes into a new doc,and we just add it to the guide as a new chapter.
> Then people start sending patches and polish it, like the rest of the
> chapters. The new 2.0 docs generation will have each OS specific notes
> in its own chapter.
> so if Alessandro or Randy volunteers (please say so), please ask winXX
> users to send you more winXX specific notes/scenarios and you (the
> volunteer) will be the official maintainer of the doc and send me the
> new doc and then the future patches. For 2.0 you will simply have a
> commit access and be able to maintain these by yourself and go wild.
> Does this sound good?

It does ... I'd be happy to volunteer, or co-volunteer if
Alessandro or anybody else wants, to do that for Win32. As
well as these notes on limitations of the current mod_perl
on Win32, there's also some basic installation/use things
that have come up in the past that could also go in.

best regards,

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