On Thu, 11 Oct 2001, Jeffrey W. Baker wrote:

> Well, you guys are touchy lot!  My releases are no less frequent than
> releases of DBI or even mod_perl.  So just chill out, I sometimes have
> other things on my mind.

I don't know about touchy so much as frustrated.  Apache::Session is very
widely used but it doesn't feel well supported.

Comparing it to DBI or mod_perl seems a bit silly.  It is not as widely
used as either and is far less complex.

My big concern is that there is a fatal error in Apache::Session::Flex
that makes it completely unusable.  You've known about this for at least
9-12 months but you haven't bothered to release a simple bugfix release
for it.  Its a 3-4 line change!

The only way around it is to constantly patch my local copies or use a
hack work-around code which subclasses Flex to fix the populate method.
This is stupid.

I don't really want to reinvent the wheel or tell people not to use
Apache::Session, but its getter harder to avoid either.

If you have other things on your mind, that's fine.  That's why I
suggested you should consider letting someone else maintain it.  I know
I'm not the only person frustrated by the current state of affairs.


We await the New Sun

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