I have a perl script that was running fine under IIS/5.0 with 
ActivePerl 6xx - I'll put the salient parts here:

use IO::Socket;
use CGI;

$in = new CGI;

$server = IO::Socket::INET->new( PeerAddr=> "...",PeerPort=> 
...,Proto=>"tcp",Type=> SOCK_STREAM) or die "Error message ... $@";


... (information is gotten from $server via <$server>)
... (information is sent to $server via 'print $server ...')

... (server's response is read via <$server> and printed to browser via 

close ($server);

That's it - a very simple Perl script that basically takes information 
from the GET or POST strings, sends it to a server process and reads its 
response, printing it out to the browser.

I've now moved the script to Apache 1.3.20 w/ mod_perl 1.25 (I think its 
1.25, but it may be 1.26 - the server's not running at the moment, else 
I'd find out for sure).  It *seems* that the script can run once, but 
that the next time it is accessed, it cannot connect to the $server 
anylonger, it dies with a 'connection timed out' message ... What 
'gotcha' is causing this?

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated!!

Brice D Ruth

WebProjkt, Inc.
VP, Director of Internet Technology

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