Yeah, I thought about that earlier today ... I did that and the script is still crappin' out ... basically, the first time through, it works.  The next time, it doesn't seem to be able to build the connection, but it doesn't 'die' at that line, either.

I'll go check out the links you sent me (again :)) and see if anything else catches my eye.  If you have any other clues, please let me know!


Edward Moon wrote:
You're problem is pretty basic. You should read up on issues on moving
from CGI to mod_perl (<>)
and the mod_perl guide (<>).

You need to declare your variables with 'my' in order to avoid the problem
you are encountering.

'use strict' will help catch many issues that can trip you up under

On Tue, 16 Oct 2001, Brice D Ruth wrote:

  I have a perl script that was running fine under IIS/5.0 with
ActivePerl 6xx - I'll put the salient parts here:

use IO::Socket;
use CGI;

$in = new CGI;

$server = IO::Socket::INET->new( PeerAddr=> "...",PeerPort=>
...,Proto=>"tcp",Type=> SOCK_STREAM) or die "Error message ... $@";


... (information is gotten from $server via <$server>)
... (information is sent to $server via 'print $server ...')

... (server's response is read via <$server> and printed to browser via

close ($server);

That's it - a very simple Perl script that basically takes information
from the GET or POST strings, sends it to a server process and reads its
response, printing it out to the browser.

I've now moved the script to Apache 1.3.20 w/ mod_perl 1.25 (I think its
1.25, but it may be 1.26 - the server's not running at the moment, else
I'd find out for sure). It *seems* that the script can run once, but
that the next time it is accessed, it cannot connect to the $server
anylonger, it dies with a 'connection timed out' message ... What
'gotcha' is causing this?

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated!!

Brice D Ruth

WebProjkt, Inc.
VP, Director of Internet Technology

WebProjkt, Inc.
VP, Director of Internet Technology

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