Well, you certainly haven't inconvenience yourself by taking the
time to look at the copious documentation available on this, now
have you?

That said, here's a snippet of what you want to use:


  ServerName   www.logsoft.com
  ServerAlias      logsoft.com
  ServerAlias www2.logsoft.com

  DocumentRoot  /var/apache/htdocs

  Options      +ExecCGI +Indexes
  AddHandler   cgi-script .cgi

  <Location /perl>
    SetHandler perl-script
    PerlFreshRestart On
    PerlHandler Foo:Bar
    PerlSetVar SOME_VAR /usr/local/foo



On Sat, 1 Dec 2001, James wrote:

> Does anyone have a quick example of setting up a vhost with mod_perl
> enabled please? Also an ordinary cgi-bin, with file extensions .pl and
> .cgi enabled?
> Also with a vhost, I can name the host anything I like can't I? For
> example, say my domain is localhost.localdomain but I'm using dyndns to
> make it a hostname, say, trains.ath.cx. I can assign fred.trains.ath.cx
> and john.trains.ath.cx with vhosts, the requests will get piped to my
> main machine which is trains, and the vhost section will take care of
> the rest, knowing which document root to use, right? I don't have to
> mess around with DNS or anything do I to make new subdomains?
> Is it:
> <virtualhost fred.trains.ath.cx /doc/root>
> Options +Indexes +ExecCGI
> DocumentIndex ??? index.html default.html
> perl-handler     # hmm, get mod_perl working in /doc/root/perl
> cgi-bin
>       # hmmm, get a cgi-bin happening in /doc/root/cgi-bin
> </virtualhost>
> Or something like that?
> Many Thanks.
> James

Steve Reppucci                                       [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
Logical Choice Software                          http://logsoft.com/ |
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  My God!  What have I done?  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

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