Hi Marius,

Everytime I make a new document root for a different website, say the 
subdomain loco on trains.ath.cx, do I need to update the DNS?

For foo.trains.ath.cx and bar.trains.ath.cx do I need to make new DNS 
entries for foo and bar subdomains? Surely I don't? Because browsers 
will ask for it, and get directed to trains.ath.cx, and my apache will 
take are of the rest from the HTTP 1.1 Host: field?

Thanks :)


> On Dec 1 at 01:59, 'James' wrote:
> |J|But, with that e.g. that uses an IP address, from day to day I don't 
> |J|know what my IP address will be, can't I use:
> |J|NameVirtualHost fred.trains.ath.cx
> |J|<VirtualHost fred>
> |J|... foo
> |J|</VirtualHost>
> NameVirtualHost *
> <VirtualHost *>
>     ServerName  www.foo.com
>     ...
> </VirtualHost>
> specifying '*' as the argument of NameVirtualHost it's a new feature as of 
> Apache version 1.3.13. It's quite tricky to use it in complex configuration 
> (multiple listening ports/ip addresses) but it is really very powerful :)
> cheers.
> - -- 
> Marius Feraru                                 http://altblue.n0i.net/

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