
Does anyone have a quick example of setting up a vhost with mod_perl 
enabled please? Also an ordinary cgi-bin, with file extensions .pl and 
.cgi enabled?

Also with a vhost, I can name the host anything I like can't I? For 
example, say my domain is localhost.localdomain but I'm using dyndns to 
make it a hostname, say, trains.ath.cx. I can assign fred.trains.ath.cx 
and john.trains.ath.cx with vhosts, the requests will get piped to my 
main machine which is trains, and the vhost section will take care of 
the rest, knowing which document root to use, right? I don't have to 
mess around with DNS or anything do I to make new subdomains?

Is it:

<virtualhost fred.trains.ath.cx /doc/root>
Options +Indexes +ExecCGI
DocumentIndex ??? index.html default.html
perl-handler     # hmm, get mod_perl working in /doc/root/perl
        # hmmm, get a cgi-bin happening in /doc/root/cgi-bin

Or something like that?

Many Thanks.

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