John Saylor wrote:

> Hi
> ( 01.12.04 16:39 +0800 ) Stas Bekman:
>>Thomas Klausner, Allan Juul and Carlos Ramirez have answered the 
>>challenge and submitted their modperl site designs. Thank you folks!
> I'd like to echo that thanks since all 3 designs are thoughtful and well
> executed.
> While a poll is cleaner in a way, it might be a good idea for these 3 to
> try and work out a single design- maybe even in tandem with the poll.
> To me, democracy is good, but consensus is better. And it is within the
> realm of possibility that 3 people can work out a consensus.
> Again, thanks to the submitters, nice work!

The vote is needed to pick the major design, so we can move on. 
Obviously we will try to get the best of all submitted designs into the 
chosen one. And we will try to improve things with time.

If we let the comments process to be open [read: say whatever you 
like/dislike] it'll consume a lot of time from everybody and we will end 
up nowhere. In fact we have been through this open commentary about 1.5 
years ago and as you can see we still have the same site.

And you have a chance to leave insightful comments when you vote :)

Stas Bekman             JAm_pH      --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker      mod_perl Guide

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