I'm throwing in my two cents a bit late, so it's a bit depreciated now (one
cent?).  But something to think about for the site.

I've worked with php a little lately -- not programming, but making minor
changes to a site.  I've used the php site http://www.php.net/ a few times,
and I've found it reasonably functional, but also quite easy for someone
new to php.  Maybe it seems that way because I know nothing about php and
it's geared toward my level.  But that's good.  How often to the mod_perl
pros need to read the mod_perl home page?

I'm sure all these elements will be added to the new mod_perl site in some
way, but I just wanted to note what I liked about the php site.  And I'm
not comparing mod_perl to php!

What the php site shows in a real obvious way is:

1) what is php (for someone that is brand new) with a link to some basic
examples.  It demystifies php in a hurry.  Makes someone think "Oh, I can
do that".

2) currently, it's showing Netcraft's usage stats, so I see that people are
using it in growing numbers -- it's not a dead-end for a new person to try

3) it shows upcoming events.  That shows that there's a real support group
of real people to work with.  Links to discussion lists archives would be
good there.

All that makes it really easy for someone new to feel comfortable.

It would be nice to see license info, too, as someone new might want to be
clear on that right away, too.

You can also quickly see a list of supported modules.  This shows that it's
easy to extend, but also allows someone to see that it can do the thing
*they* might be interested in.  Sure, perl has CPAN, but I think it would
be good to show a list of commonly used modules for mod_perl, and what they
do, in a simple list.  If someone is just learning about mod_perl (or php)
the list doesn't need to be that big, as their needs will be reasonably basic.

Existing mod_perl (or php?) programmers might not like all that basic,
first-time user stuff right on the home page, and would rather have a more
"functional" site.  I don't know about anyone else, but I've got the links
I need bookmarked, and if not I go to perl.apache.org and ^F right to where
I want to go.

BTW -- At first I liked David's idea of using the ASF look.  That ties
mod_perl to apache well.  But, if the site is intended to bring in new
users, it might be good to be a bit more flashy.

<crazy idea>
Maybe as a community (of programmers not designers) we could hire a
professional designer to help develop our "brand".  Cool web site.  Some
print ads in the trades.  What's a small amount in dues to the Association
of Mod_perl Programmers compared to increase of mod_perl work overall?
</crazy idea>

Bill Moseley

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