Andrew Green wrote:

> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>    Stas Bekman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Weird, what Perl version are you using? Can you do:
>>perl -MFcntl -le1
>>perl -le 'require Fcntl'
> Both seem to work (producing no output, but no errors either).  The
> *really* peculiar thing is that actual scripts that "use Fcntl" work with
> no problems -- but I can't preload the module, or preload other modules
> that use it.
> According to /perl-status, I'm using perl 5.00503 for Apache 1.3.19 on
> Red Hat 6.2, mod_perl 1.21.  On processes that have accessed these
> scripts, Fcntl shows up on /perl-status?inc and claims to be version 1.03.
> If it's any help, HTML::Entities displays exactly the same behaviour (and
> claims to be version 1.22).

Hmm, how about upgrading modperl?

May be it has something to do with the module getting loaded twice 
(since Apache restarts)? I see that HTML::Entities runs code on require 
and loads .so, the same goes for Fcntl; I'm not sure whether this 
$Apache::Server::ReStarting flag was available at mod_perl 1.21 (Check 
the Changes file), but if it does try to do this:

if ( $Apache::Server::ReStarting ) {
   require Fcntl;

Stas Bekman             JAm_pH      --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker      mod_perl Guide

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