> After I set up my app (webtool.cgi) and created the
> single script version (bigtool.cgi), I ran this script
> on my machine and it showed that the single file was
> about 10-15% faster than the multiple modules.

No offense, but your script must not have been doing much in this test.
The difference between putting everything in one script vs. using
modules is just the time it takes to open and read the files.  It's a
tiny difference in most cases.  Are you sure you were compiling all of
the same code in both cases?

> My first question is, is the above script a valid test
> of CGI response time?

It's not useless, but LWP isn't the fastest and it's a lot easier to
just use ab, or one of the other tools suggested in the guide.

> So, for example, should the
> results reflect any improvements with mod_perl
> enabled?


> Because what I found is that the response
> time differed
> less than 5% between mod_perl-enabled and mod_perl
> disabled configurations.

There could be a problem in your config.  How about posting the part you
changed to enable mod_perl?

> From other postings, it seems like
> Windows mod_perl works great, and I should see a
> significant speed-up.

Not as much as on unix, but definitely a speed-up.

- Perrin

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