
Thanks for the response,

--- Perrin Harkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> No offense, but your script must not have been doing
> much in this test.
> The difference between putting everything in one
> script vs. using
> modules is just the time it takes to open and read
> the files.  It's a
> tiny difference in most cases.  

I was also thinking it would only make a small
difference, but I see many perl/CGI scripts that boast
'all this functionality in a single script' as 
if multiple module was some sort of huge performance 
hit. My app has 13 separate modules, so I tried to 
test it. I'm sure both version had 
the same code, because they both worked fine. It's 
about 4000 lines of perl code (with CGI_Lite built 
in). So I was surprised it made such a big difference,
as well. You can see a demo of the app at

> There could be a problem in your config.  How about
> posting the part you
> changed to enable mod_perl?

This is the lines in C:\indigoperl\conf\httpd.conf.
I either commented out and restarted the server to 
disable, or uncommented, stopped apache and restarted 
to enable:

#LoadModule perl_module modules/
#ScriptAlias /perl-bin/ "c:/IndigoPerl//perl-bin/"
#PerlSendHeader On
#SetHandler perl-script
#Options ExecCGI

The application under test runs fine in either case.

thanks again,


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