
> You want something more like this:
>  Alias /perl-bin/ "c:/IndigoPerl//perl-bin/"
>  PerlModule Apache::Registry
>  <Location /perl-bin>
>    SetHandler perl-script
>    PerlHandler Apache::Registry
>    Options ExecCGI
>  </Location>

Yup, this gets it working (It does need the line 
"LoadModule perl_module modules/").
The response time for the one-liner script is 
reduced by a 10x factor after the first request,
according to my test script. The conf snippet I 
gave you was somehow corrupted when I copied it, 
but just to make sure, I reinstalled indigoperl 
from scratch, and the conf file from the original 
install does not work; "PerlModule Apache::Registry"
is not declared, and it uses "ScriptAlias /perl-bin/"
instead of "Alias /perl-bin/" and I verified that 
both of these lines cause problems. 

IndigoStar says that the server comes with mod_perl
enabled by default, and so I just assumed those
lines were correct. You saved me a lot of time,
thanks! I'll email IndigoStar this info...


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