I am using Apache1.3.22/mod_perl1.26 with mod_usertrack.c

from httpd.conf
 #User Tracking
 LoadModule usertrack_module   libexec/mod_usertrack.so
 AddModule mod_usertrack.c
 CookieTracking on
 SetEnvIf Request_URI (\.gif|\.jpeg|\.js|\.css)$ junk
 CustomLog /usr/local/sites/dev/logs/clickstream 
"%{cookie}n|%H|%m|%f|%U%q|%{User-agent}i|%{%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S}t" env=!junk

Along with a cron job and MySQL to gather the Website Statistics
But on this site, I also have say a Admin Section or a WWW Posting Board
The user doesn't have to log into until they go to that section at which point

I use the following modules to authenticate them against MySQL and give them a
cookie only if they auth correctly (Careful, Apache::Cookie is broken as far as
I can tell with Apache::Session::MySQL hence the CGI)

use Apache;
use Apache::Request ();
use Apache::Constants qw(OK REDIRECT);
use Apache::Session::MySQL;
use CGI qw(:standard);
use DBI;

Philip M. Gollucci (p6m7g8) [EMAIL PROTECTED] 301.314.3118

Science, Discovery, & the Universe (UMCP)
        Webmaster & Webship Teacher
        URL: http://www.sdu.umd.edu

        Database/PERL Programmer & System Admin
        URL : http://www.ejournalpress.com

Resume      : http://www.p6m7g8.com/resume.txt

On Mon, 14 Jan 2002, Viljo Marrandi wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm on a mission ta make a web-site that uses cookies for user log-in
> and log-out. First I'd like to know which one you suggest - Ticket
> system from Eagle book or Apache::AuthTicket. I know that
> Apache::AuthTicket is based on Eagle book's version, but it seems little
> more advanced.
> And now second problem. Has anyone modified one of these modules so,
> that when user first enters the site he will get a cookie immediately
> (with random generated ID) and can walk around there. And if he logs in
> then the cookie gets modified accordingly (saying that user is logged
> in).
> Here's the situation. I must make a site for insurance company. User can
> browse the site and see which offers he can get, if he wants to make a
> deal only then he must log in. But all the data that is calculated must
> be stored in dbase waiting for user to log in, so system can then, err,
> bind this temporary data with current user. But of course user can log
> in anytime he wants - even between different calculation steps.
> Any ideas are welcome.
> Rgds,
> Viljo

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