
I'm on a mission ta make a web-site that uses cookies for user log-in
and log-out. First I'd like to know which one you suggest - Ticket
system from Eagle book or Apache::AuthTicket. I know that
Apache::AuthTicket is based on Eagle book's version, but it seems little
more advanced.

And now second problem. Has anyone modified one of these modules so,
that when user first enters the site he will get a cookie immediately
(with random generated ID) and can walk around there. And if he logs in
then the cookie gets modified accordingly (saying that user is logged

Here's the situation. I must make a site for insurance company. User can
browse the site and see which offers he can get, if he wants to make a
deal only then he must log in. But all the data that is calculated must
be stored in dbase waiting for user to log in, so system can then, err,
bind this temporary data with current user. But of course user can log
in anytime he wants - even between different calculation steps.

Any ideas are welcome.


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