Geoffrey Young wrote:

> > Ken Miller wrote:
> >
> > There was a module floating around a while back that did request
> > limiting (a DOS preventional tool).  I've searched the archives
> > (unsuccessfully), and I was wondering if anyone knows what the heck
> > I'm talking about.
> maybe you had Stonehenge::Throttle in mind?

I wrote something a while back in response to users holding down the F5
key in IE and DOS'ing our website. It's called Apache::GateKeeper and is
more polite than Throttle in that it serves cached content to the client
instead of sending a 'come back later' message. It's configurable so after
exceeding a threshold the client gets content from the shared memory
cache, and if a second threshold is exceeded (ok this guy is getting
REALLY irritating) then they get the 'come back later' message. They will
only get cached content if they exceed x number of requests within y
number of seconds.

It works with Apache::Filter and there are two components -
Apache::GateKeeper which is the first handler in the line of filters, and
Apache::GateKeeper::Gate, which is the last in the line of filters and
does the caching of content which will be served to the client if they are

I would have liked to write this so that it just drops into an existing
mod_perl app, but I couldn't find a way to grab an application's output
before it got sent to the client for storage in the cache, so I set it up
with Apache::Filter. Any suggestions on how to solve this?

I've put the source on

It isn't packaged at all, and only includes the two modules I've grabbed
straight out of our app - Apache::GateKeeper and Apache::GateKeeper::Gate.
Currently this uses pnotes to pass POST data and messages between modules
that are in the Apache::Filter chain, so it's really not the kind of thing
you can drop into an app.

Any ideas on how to write a version of this that one CAN simply drop into
an existing application would be most welcome.


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